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The poem talks about the return of the Savior, the end of the fight between good and evil. It describes the hope and joy that the righteous will feel when Christ is crowned as King. The wicked will tremble, and the righteous will stand with joy in their hearts. The poem encourages readers to hold on to hope and prepare for the glorious day when Christ will reign as King forever.

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The Annunaki created Man with their own DNA to begin civilization on Earth. They upgraded Man to become sentient and gave him dominion over the world. The Reptilians enslaved Man, but the Annunaki have returned to free him. Rh- individuals have a direct connection to the Annunaki. Annunaki use transphasic technology for teleportation. Mixed seedlines are found worthy for this world.

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Статья рассказывает о проходах кометы Нибиру возле Земли в истории человечества, последствиях каждого смещения полюсов и документировании путешествий Аннунаков. Также описывается изменение орбиты Нибиру и его приближение к Земле в результате потери массы Солнца.

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The chapter talks about Yeshua's disciples asking about the end of the world and his advent. Yeshua warns them about false prophets and the signs of the end. He also talks about the persecution of his followers and the preaching of the gospel in the whole world. The chapter ends with a warning to flee when the desecrated sign of desolation appears.

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Today marks the day that the Knights and Clergy of Lord RayEl renew their vows of loyalty and service to The Crown and The Great Commission of Christ. It is looked upon as the completion of the 10-year mission that began when Christ returned in 2011, leading to the prophesied apocalyptic events unfolding at this moment. Let it be known by all this day, that their King is truly proud of those who have faithfully demonstrated themselves to be loyal, brave, and righteous.

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NATO is set to conduct large-scale war games in the Baltics, involving 15,000 troops from 14 countries, including non-NATO members. The exercises will take place just 40 miles from a Russian military base, likely escalating tensions with Moscow. The drills will simulate a Russian invasion and are among the largest in the Baltics since the fall of the USSR. The exercises will overlap with two major NATO and allied military drills currently being held in the region. The war games come as American lawmakers move ahead on a massive $40 billion aid package for Kiev, around half of which will be devoted to arms shipments.

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